We Help Heavy Industry Monetize Their Waste Heat and Decarbonize Their Operations

As a developer, Kanin streamlines comprehensive bundled solutions focusing on end-to-end development adapted to each industrial facility.

Our Solutions

We provide expert solutions in emission reduction for heavy industry to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


Waste Heat to Power

Our solution transforms industrial waste heat into clean electricity, boosting energy efficiency, cutting costs, and lowering carbon emissions by minimizing fossil fuel dependence and environmental impact.

Group (1)

Carbon Capture

We help heavy industry capture and store COemissions, reducing environmental impact and moving towards carbon neutrality by preventing CO2 release and lowering the carbon footprint. Post-combustion carbon capture often complements WHP installations, allowing for greater potential impact.

Group 22

Heat Pumps

We identify opportunities in existing industrial processes to install heat pumps to replace hydrocarbon-fired heating, reducing scope 1 emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.

Your Energy Partner

Kanin Energy is an innovative development company that focuses on third-party financed industrial emissions projects. Our projects require no expertise or capital from our partnered host facilities.

We do this by bringing together technology, engineering, construction and third-party capital in an elegant turn-key offer. Our primary focus is helping industrial partners monetize their waste heat resources by installing waste heat to power facilities which generate high-quality, baseload, carbon-free electricity for grid sale or on-site use.

Industries We Serve

We’re helping heavy industries decarbonize
while simultaneously reducing costs.

Natural Gas

Natural gas compressor stations have consistent heat at high temperatures and offer simple and safe integration


Waste heat is generated in the process of transforming raw materials into clinker for concrete.


Processes in the steel industry from primary ore processing to recycling and rolling, emit large quantities of waste heat.


A waste heat recovery unit can decrease natural gas use and save on energy.


There are several opportunities to capture waste heat such as flash coolers, olefins, hydrocracker units as well as many other opportunities.


WHP facilities support Hydrogen by creating carbon-free energy that can be used to produce Hydrogen.


Glass manufacturing has consistent high-temperature heat. WHP systems can be integrated to decrease scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.

Chemicals & Fertilizer

Chemicals, polymers, and fertilizers have crackers and many other components that make the industry a great candidate for decarbonization.

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Our role as a developer

Kanin’s role as a turnkey developer means that we deliver projects from end-to-end, covering project financing, engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance for the life of the project.

We ensure that the project is delivered smoothly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to the client’s business operations. Kanin provides Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) which is a business model whereby customers pay for an energy service without having to make any upfront capital investment.

The Kanin Team

Kanin Energy is a purpose built hyper specialized team of industry professionals that have knowledge across commercial, engineering, project management, finance and operations for industrial decarbonization projects.



Reach out to us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



4200 San Jacinto St.  77004, Houston, TX
United States

Unit 301,1615 10 Ave SW.
T3C 0J7, Calgary, AB Canada


Kanin Energy FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers about Kanin Energy

Waste Heat to Power is a source of clean energy that captures energy as heat and converts it into valuable electricity. This can be done through a variety of different technologies including Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Steam Rankine Cycle (SRC), Supercritical CO2 systems, and others. Kanin, as expert Waste Heat to Power project developer will evaluate the waste heat resource and match it with the most appropriate technology. While waste heat is ubiquitous, waste heat from industrial processes provides the best use for Waste Heat to Power because of the regularity of the heat source and relatively high temperatures of exhaust to make projects viable.

Kanin’s role as a turnkey developer means that we deliver projects from end-to-end, covering project financing, engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance for the life of the project. This ensures that partners can focus on their primary business and

We ensure that the project is delivered smoothly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to the client’s business operations.

Kanin offers many flexible commercial models for our industrial decarbonization projects. Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) is a business model where customers pay for energy services without any upfront capital investment. In this model, typically, customers subscribe to energy services through projects owned by Kanin. EaaS has been employed by carbon-free technologies, such as solar and wind, to facilitate global deployment. Our partners benefit by avoiding upfront capital costs, as well as upgrade and management expenses, since Kanin operates the project throughout its lifetime.

Waste Heat to Power is carbon-free because there are no incremental emissions in its production of electricity. In using exhaust heat from existing thermal processes, a Waste Heat to Power system does not generate emissions and instead offsets the need to generate additional electricity, which in many cases has a carbon fuel source.

According to the United Nations, 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (CFE) means that every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption is met with carbon-free electricity sources, every hour of every day, everywhere. 

Kanin’s CEO Amongst 2023 CPA Achievement Award Winners

CPA Alberta is pleased to announce the 2023 Achievement Award recipients. These outstanding CPAs embody the core principles of the CPA profession: integrity, expertise, and commitment. Their contributions and accomplishments bring honour to the profession and strengthen the reputation of all CPAs. Congratulations to all 2023 Achievement Award recipients!

Read more, here.